- California Healthy Kids Survey
- Class Link Single Sign-on
- Digital Citizenship
- Expanded Learning Program
- Homeless Youth
- Parent / Student Portal
- School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs)
- Student Registration
- Student Accident & Sickness Insurance
- Student Dress Code
- Student Handbooks
- Student Nutrition
- Student Spotlight
- Transportation
- Work Permits
- Attendance
Attendance Policy
Absence Policy
Absence Policy
It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to ensure that students attend school promptly and regularly. (Educational Code, Article 6, Section 48290). Following any absence, the student should bring a signed parent note to school stating their full name, address, reason and date of absence. In addition, parents may call the school office to leave this information on voicemail or with the attendance clerk. Any absence which is unclear will be treated as truancy. The following definitions will be used to classify your absence:
Illness—excused - Medical, dental, personal illness
Non-illness-excused - Observance of a religious holiday, court appearance, funeral of immediate family member
Non-illness-unexcused - All other absences except truancy
Truancy - Unauthorized absence from school without parent knowledge or permission
The attendance clerk will keep a record of all absences. Serious attendance problems will be referred to administration for action, and referral to all appropriate agencies will be made.
Students with excessive absences or tardies will require intervention. The parent or guardian will be referred to the principal for a meeting. If the absences or tardies continue, the parent can be referred to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) and may be subject to an attendance contract and/or fines.
Non-illness-excused - Observance of a religious holiday, court appearance, funeral of immediate family member
Non-illness-unexcused - All other absences except truancy
Truancy - Unauthorized absence from school without parent knowledge or permission
The attendance clerk will keep a record of all absences. Serious attendance problems will be referred to administration for action, and referral to all appropriate agencies will be made.
Students with excessive absences or tardies will require intervention. The parent or guardian will be referred to the principal for a meeting. If the absences or tardies continue, the parent can be referred to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) and may be subject to an attendance contract and/or fines.
Student Sign-Out Policy
Student Sign-Out Policy
Anytime a student is removed from campus during the school day by a parent or designee, this person must be listed as a contact on the student's registration card. Students must be signed out through the office. Children being removed early from school, 30 minutes or more, will have it marked into their attendance. A valid medical verification must be provided when the student returns to school.
Tardy Policy
Tardy Policy
A tardy prohibits children from gaining the maximum advantage from classroom instruction. Our goal is to eliminate tardiness, maximize instruction, and develop a sense of punctuality. Please try to have your child at school on time everyday.
Attendance Fliers