- California Healthy Kids Survey
- Class Link Single Sign-on
- Digital Citizenship
- Expanded Learning Program
- Homeless Youth
- Parent / Student Portal
- PASS Survey
- School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs)
- Student Registration
- Student Accident & Sickness Insurance
- Student Dress Code
- Student Handbooks
- Student Nutrition
- Student Spotlight
- Transportation
- Work Permits
- Attendance
PASS (Pupils Attitudes about School and Self) Survey
Sometimes, other concerns get in the way of a student’s ability to succeed. All students in grades 1-12 will be offered a short survey, the PASS, that asks questions about how they feel about school and how they feel about themselves as a learner at school. Our district places a high value on our students’ emotional wellbeing and safety; we understand that kids cannot achieve academic success if they have barriers that are preventing them from accessing their education. It is important to note that this survey is NOT a test, a school climate survey or an evaluation of your child’s teacher. The school will use the data to
- Identify students needing additional support who may not yet be on the radar of the school site team
- Inform teaching strategies and intervention programs to raise achievement and student wellbeing
- Address challenging behavior by gaining a whole child view
- Take a proactive and targeted approach to student wellbeing
The first PASS survey will be administered at all district sites during the weeks of October 2-13th. If you choose to opt your child out of taking the survey, please notify your school principal so they can inform the child’s teacher.
If you have questions or concerns and would like to discuss this survey, or the District’s support of social-emotional wellness for all students, please contact Jen Cates, Director of Student Engagement 530-822-7639 or jcates@ycusd.org
PASS Consent letter
PASS Consent letter
PASS Questions